How To Edit the User Configurable Options ⚙️

The user configurable options are accessible through CHOMPI's microSD card. 

Want to be able to keep the CHOMPI key recording (Latched) without having to continuously hold the key down? Or set which channels you want CHOMPI to send and receive MIDI information on? Or to set your preferred Tape Slew, Monitor Position, and Pitch Quantize settings on bootup… follow the steps below to enable / customize these settings...


Step 01: Turn Off CHOMPI

If you haven't already done it, make sure to flip the power switch to the OFF position.

  • You should never try to remove the microSD card from CHOMPI while it is powered on.

Step 02: Remove microSD Card from CHOMPI

  • Carefully remove the microSD card from the slot* located on the right side of the rear panel (next to the handle).

QUICK TIP: The slot is designed with a round hole in the center that nicely fits a 3.5mm cable end, ballpoint pen or something similar.

* NOTE: The card is spring loaded so watch for any flying SD cards 😉

Step 03: Insert microSD Card Into Your Computer

  • Using a standard microSD card adapter, load the card onto your computer just like any other external hard drive or storage device.

(Optional, but recommended)

Step 04: Backup Your Files 💾

  • Now is a great time to take a second and backup your files and presets that are currently being stored on the card.
  • It’s good practice to select all of the files on in the root directory of the card, and simply copy them into a new folder on your computer.

Step 05: Open the "options.json" File with a Text Editor

PRO TIP: Create a copy of the options.json file onto your desktop to make the edits.
We do not recommend editing directly on the microSD card.

  • Use a simple text editor to open the options file (on your desktop).

Step 06: Make preferred changes to the options file

  • Use the text editor to change any options to your preference


Determines the behavior of the CHOMPI Key (sample record) while in CHOMPI Mode

  • false (default) = Momentary Press Action, 
  • true = Latch/Toggle Press Action"


Sets Midi Input Channel for both the USB-C and 3.5mm Midi Inputs

  • 1 - 16
  • 1 (default)


Sets Midi Output Channel for both the USB-C and 3.5mm Midi Outputs

  • 1 - 16
  • 1 (default)


Activates/Deactivates Tape Slew effect when the Looper START & STOPS Playback

  • true (default) = Tape Slew Activated
  • false = Tape Slew Deactivated


Determines which input monitor position that CHOMPI will automatically boot up in

  • 1 - 3
  • 1 (default)


Toggles behavior of pitch quantization (5th & Octaves) for both sampler and looper engines

  • true (default) = Fine Tune primary knob function, Pitch Quantization while shift is held down 
  • false = Pitch Quantization primary knob function, Fine Tune while shift is held down

Step 07: Save and replace the options file

  • Save your changes before closing the text editor
  • Replace the options file on the microSD card with the newly saved options file

Step 08: Eject microSD card from your computer

  • Safely remove the microSD card from your computer by using the “Eject” option

Step 09: Reinstall microSD Card Back Into CHOMPI

  • Carefully reinsert the microSD card back into CHOMPI

🟡 WARNING: due to the way the panel enclosure is designed, it is possible to miss the card slot and drop your SD card into the enclosure. If this happens, simply remove one of the side panels and shake the SD card out


The next time you boot up CHOMPI (with the updated microSD card installed), the adjusted settings will automatically be implemented.

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We can't wait to see what kinds of magic you all create with your CHOMPI's! If you want to share your creations, feel free to tag us on socials & use #CHOMPIjamz to share with the rest of the community!